Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyEasy Nmap [root@kali] /home/kali/UnderPass ❯ nmap underpass.htb -sSCV -Pn -T4 Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-12-22 11:26 CST …
Sherlock Scenario 我们的SIEM提醒我们注意一个需要立即查看的可疑登录事件。警报详细信息是IP地址和源工作站名称不匹配。您将收到事件时间范围内周围时间的网络捕获和事件日志。对给定的证据进行核化,并向SOC经理报告。 NTLM Relay Attack 这是Hackthebox的官方链接:NTLM 中继攻击检测 (hackthebo…
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyMedium Nmap [root@kali] /home/kali/Instant ❯ nmap instant.htb -sSCV -Pn -T4 Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-12-20 11:39 CST Nm…
About 达到HTB的Hacker等级后可以进入Advanced Labs,本文是关于Fortresses(堡垒)中的Jet挑战 Connect Nmap扫描结果如下 [root@kali] /home/kali/Jet ❯ nmap -T4 -Pn -sS Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( http…
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyEasy Nmap [root@kali] /home/kali ❯ nmap Chemistry.htb -sS -Pn -T4 Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-12-17 20:11 CST Nmap scan re…
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyMedium Nmap [root@kali] /home/kali/Heal ❯ nmap -sSCV -Pn heal.htb Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-12-15 17:29 CST Nmap scan re…
Sherlock Scenario 在这个非常简单的 Sherlock 中,您将熟悉 Unix auth.log 和 wtmp 日志。我们将探索一个场景,其中 Confluence 服务器通过其 SSH 服务被暴力破解。获得对服务器的访问权限后,攻击者执行了其他活动,我们可以使用 auth.log 进行跟踪。尽管 auth.log 主要用于暴力分析…
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyEasy Nmap [root@kali] /home/kali ❯ nmap -sSCV -Pn LinkVortex.htb Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-12-08 21:44 CST Nmap scan rep…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyMedium As is common in Windows pentests, you will start the Certified box with credentials for the following account: Username: judith.mader Passwo…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyMedium As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start the Administrator box with credentials for the following account: Username: Olivi…