标签: Windows

24 篇文章

Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyEasy As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start this box with credentials for the following account: rose / KxEPkKe6R8su Nmap root@…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyMedium As is common in Windows pentests, you will start the Certified box with credentials for the following account: Username: judith.mader Passwo…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyMedium As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start the Administrator box with credentials for the following account: Username: Olivi…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyHard As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start the Vintage box with credentials for the following account: P.Rosa / Rosaisbest123 …
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyEasy Nmap Scan 发现靶机存在smb网络文件共享服务 使用smbclient连接,发现以下的目录 并且在HR的目录下发现了一个txt文件 Dear new hire! Welcome to Cicada Corp! We're thrilled to have you join o…